Previous Projects – The Ratking

The Ratking started as a project written for a friend to create for the H.P. Love Craft FIlm Festival.

Having never worked in live action, I was tentative about this project, and was only going to serve as writer and consultant originally.

The project was to use Lovecraft tropes in a way that was modern, different, and unique to the Portland area.  I had absolutely no idea about the Lovecraft fans, having only been to one small filmfest prior. This would turn out to be a large problem as a lot of the more interesting ideas were lost to the audience, who I feel might have been used to the general formula being used in a more traditional way. Part of me still wants to revisit and fix ratking further and at least reach a better potential, but most of me knows it is probably just best to move on to other projects.

The teaser trailer was shown:

Additional information can be found at









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